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My bunny is not acting normal

22 11:11:51


--How would I know if there is a stuck baby? Would that have anything to do with me not seeing any pellets? I do believe she is urinating though. She still runs around and cuddles with her mate (since they've been together from day one) She does like alot of down time too. However I feel that she needs to eat more also.  Thankyou so much for your time.-----------------------

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Question -
We have 2 rabbits a male and a female. They are both between 6-8 months old. we have always kept them together knowing we would eventually have babies. Just the other week I seperated them because the male wouldn't stay off of her(if you know what I mean)I figured she's pregnant! She made a nest and then it seemed to go down hill from there... She made grunting sounds(the first 24 hrs. alot!!) & had a little blood on her blankets, also she's not eating. Well its been 3 days now and still no babies and she will make the grunt/cough sound maybe 8 times a day, she's not eating but drinking a little.. I don't know what to do? Is she pregnant, is this normal?

Answer -
The grunting sound can be simply from being hormonal, and it may have nothing to do with being pregnant.

However, if she made a nest and had blood, but she is not eating and there are no babies, it sounds like she may have a stuck baby or another problem with pregnancy. She needs to see a veterinarian right away.

If she was eating, I would suspect she just ate the babies (which can happen fairly often with a first litter). However, not eating for 3 days is a very bad thing for a rabbit. Rabbits often do not eat for 12 to 24 hours before having a litter and while having a litter, but more than that is not healthy.

For right now, try to coax her to eat anything healthy for her. Fresh timothy and/or grass hay is very important, and it may trigger her appetite. Fresh fruits or veggies may get her to eat. These are especially good because they have moisture, which is very important if she is only drinking a little. Avoid sugars and carbohydrates (so no bread, crackers, cookies, etc.), as they can cause an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive system. That is especially likely when she has not eaten for so long.

When breeding rabbits, it is not a good idea to leave them together the whole time. Rabbits have two working uteruses, unlike humans, which only have one that works. This means they  can be pregnant with two completely different litters at the same time. This can be dangerous to both the mother and the two litters, especially if one litter is much older than the other.

If she is running around, it is actually probably not a stuck baby. However, if she is not eating, that is still very bad for rabbits. Not seeing any pellets (poop) would be due to her not eating, therefore not producing any poop.

You say you feel she needs to eat more. Is she eating any right now? If she is eating anything at all, that is a good start.