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Why vaccinations are necessary for rabbits

22 9:46:12

i would like to know why  vaccinations are necessary for  rabbits and which ones are needed and why they are given and are they needing any boosters.

I would like to know this information as i am thinking of owning a pet rabbit in the near future


Dear Annie,

In the U.K., it is strongly recommended that companion rabbits be vaccinated against two viral diseases:  myxomatosis and Viral Hemorrhagic Disease (VHD).  There is no cure for these, they are transmitted either by insect bite (myxo) or by fomite (VHD), and the two viruses are not uncommon in the UK, particularly because of the wild rabbit population that harbors them.

We don't have vaccinations for these diseases in the U.S., where they are less common.  So I can't tell you the vaccination schedule. But a rabbit-savvy veterinarian can fill you in on all the details.  You should be able to find one via the lists linked here:

Hope this helps.
