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What rabbits should be eating!

22 11:24:47

Hi my name is sarah and i got a pet rabbit for christmas this year and i was just wondering what i should be feeding it. I have been feeding it some pellets and some other dry rabbit food as well as a piece of fruit or vegetable each day but i am a bit concerned about my rabbits poo because it has been a bit runny sometimes and he does it quite often too.i am just worried it is because of what i have been feeding it! I really appreciate the time you have put into reading this and i really do hope you can give me a good answer. Thank-you for your time!

Some really useful information for you would be at especially the diet information.

Depending on the age of the rabbit, he or she may be too young to be giving fruit and veggies to.

Pellets and hay are a great diet for a rabbit, once he or she is stable on that and producing nice solid poops then you can start adding veggies.
