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Found baby rabbit

22 9:57:50

Hi Dana,
My cats were chasing a baby ginger rabbit this morning he or she isn't injured but very scared i have kept her warm and now gone out and got her a cage and sawdust and all the other necessary things she has teeth and fits in my open hand not baby baby but very young. She is constantly hiding and hasnt eaten or drank any water all day do you think she will come out of this , is this just stress and normal behaviour because of the ordeal she has gone thru shall i just leave her overnight omfortable and if she still hasn't eaten i'll take her to the vets. She's very ively when i go to touch her she runs ok etc and when i tickle her ears she likes that her ears come up and she closes her eyes. I think she is just frightened. Any advice from previous experience?



Dear Jemma,

Here is some information to help you deal with the baby.  Your little baby is likely a European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), so her care and diet will be pretty much the same as that of a domestic rabbit, sans pellets.  I will assume that this is a wild rabbit, not a domestic one.  But if it's domestic, please contact the local chapter of the Rabbit Welfare Association of the U.K. for advice and help:

For now, keep her very quiet so she can get over the shock and stress of the chase.  It's not surprising she isn't eating or drinking, and the more handling she suffers, the slower her recovery.  

If she is old enough to be moving around on his own, then she should be put back where you found her so the mother can locate and feed her.  Just be sure the cats are kept indoors until she can safely find her way to a more sheltered area.

If she is acting fine by tomorrow, I would release her ASAP.
