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Rabbits just had babies!

22 10:42:25

hello,my rabbit just had babies,and im a little worried she isnt feeding them.She had them the night before last and everytime i uncover them they jump around as if they are really hungry.Can you help?And when can i handle  them?

Hi Jade

If the babies are jumping around and are lively then she is feeding them.  You won't see the mother feeding them and she won't tend to the nest.  She will feed them for about 5 minutes a day and it is usually late at night when nobody is around.

Rabbits have a natural instinct built in to stay away from their nest as not to attract predators.  You can pick the babies up and check them daily.  You can start handling them regularly as soon as they have their eyes open.  The mother will not desert her babies just because you touch them.  If you do have an overly aggressive mom the best thing to do is to take her right out of the cage and put her somewhere else while you are inspecting the babies.

Good luck and I hope the babies are all well.
