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sub Q vs. oral fluids

22 10:18:11

I have a partially paralysed bunny with bladder sludge.  I was just wondering why sub Q fluids are given rather than oral syringed fluids?

Dear Janet,

Not only can you deliver a lot *more* fluid at a time with subQ administration, but it also guarantees that the fluids will be transported via the bloodstream, and not just pass through the gut without being absorbed.  This is important if you want the fluids to be flushed through the kidneys, which collect excess water from the bloodstream.

Normal water intake for a mammal is about 10% of body mass per day (including what's in the food)--more or less.  It's best to deliver this in three doses throughout the day:  all at once can be dangerous.  There's no way you'd be able to get a bunny to drink 3-4% of his body weight orally at a sitting.  It's just too much.

Since your bunny may be getting a bit extra to flush the sludge, it would be even more difficult to get it into him orally.

If you are expressing his bladder manually, be sure to jiggle the bladder beforehand, to suspend as much of the sludge as possible into the liquid urine.  Otherwise, it will just sit on the bottom and not leave.

Good luck!
