Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I think my bunny just had a seizure, but Im not sure?

I think my bunny just had a seizure, but Im not sure?

22 10:37:24

My rabbit Skye was lying on the ground on her side (by the way she's blind) and all of a sudden her eyes closed, and she started shaking and so I went over to her and touched her and she jumped up and now she seems to be fine. Was that a seizure? She's also been eating her poop a lot, not just in the morning when rabbits usually do, and doesn't really seem to be interested in eating anything, only drinking, so I've been keeping her really hydrated. Earlier today I found this yellowish powdery stuff in her cage. I'm not sure if it's diarrhea or vomit.

Dear Kristina,

The "seizure" might just have been Skye dreaming, since a rabbit deeply asleep will twitch and move just as a dreaming human will.  

But the rest of what you say doesn't sound good.  If your rabbit is not eating, she needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet immediately.  Please read:

and find a good vet here:

Rabbits cannot vomit, so I can't guess what the powdery yellow substance would be.  But bring a sample with you to the vet, if you can.  Please get her to a good vet ASAP for a full exam.
