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Rabbit dandruff & sores

22 11:07:51

I bought my daughter a raabit for her birthday about 6 months ago.  We noticed some sores on the belly of the rabbit and took it to the vet.  We were given a topical cream to apply to the sores 2x a day. They went away for a few weeks but are now comming back again and there is also alot of dandruff and dry skin flakes on his back as well.  I would bring him back to the vet again but I was charged $287 for the last visit because a rabbit is considered an "exotic animal". I just cannot afford vet bill like that. Is there any over the counter medicine or home treatments I can do to clear up the spots and dandruff?  And should I be worried about my daughter handling the rabbit with this skin problem?

Dear Dee,

Your daughter cannot contract the skin problem, which is most likely due to fur mites (Cheyletiella) and/or other types of mites that are specific to rabbits.  Please read:

And don't go back to that vet who fleeced you that badly for such a simple problem!  Shameful!!  Instead, use this list to find a vet who is a specialist in exotics, and is experienced with rabbit medicine:

The problem is easily treated with Revolution (selamectin), but you need this prescribed by a vet.  DO NOT use Frontline, as it can be deadly.

I hope this helps.
