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Spaying, A.S.A.P

22 10:40:10

I'm going to get my rabbit spayed, she's a 7mth dwarf/mini rex. what I'm wondering is: i have a very good vet, their office is the leading vet for Nova Scotia in exotic pets, but to get her spayed there all together it would be 297.98, which includes the pre anesthetic blood work, the spay and take home pain medication, but someone i work with told me about another one where she gets her cats spayed at where it's only 95$ for just the spay, I'd rather only pay 95$ but I'm concerned about the take home pain medication, does she really need it, is it ok JUST to have the spay with out blood work and pain medication? please i need an answer as soon as you can, her hormones are starting to drive me up the wall but i don't want to pay an arm and a leg, and i love my Gilda and my vet's awesome their just very expensive.

Dear Martha,

When it comes to rabbit medicine, you get what you pay for.  
The low cost clinic might be cheaper, but it's very likely that they specialize in dogs and cats.  They might try their hand at a rabbit, but unless they are *very* experienced, I would not risk this.  

The spay price you quoted is higher than the "low cost" spays, but if the vets are really good with rabbits then it is worth the extra cost for the safety and expertise they have.  I really would not take her to a low cost spay clinic unless they have *demonstrated* experience and expertise with rabbits, which are *completely* different in their medical needs than dogs or cats.

Hope that helps.
