Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > mixomotosis


22 10:43:00

Hello my rabbit which iv'e had for around 2 years now has recently caught mixomotosis. We live in England and by farmland and although the virus is illegal we believe the local farmer has recently introduced the virus back into the rabbit population.The rabbit hadn't had the mixi jab, and is at the moment very ill and i don't know what to do. i still think it has a reasonable quality of life but i just dont know whether it can be cured without hundreds of pounds worth of injections which we cannot afford
sorry if this was supposed to be a quick question, your help would be very much appreciated
many thanks
Sian Baker

Hi Sian

If you are sure that your rabbit has myxomatosis and it has not been vaccinated then sadly the only humane thing to do is to euthanize it.

Myxomatosis is an extremely deadly disease.  It is painful and the rabbits that haven't been vaccinated almost never survive.  Even rabbits that have been vaccinated have a tough go of it.  The rabbits will usually start with an eye infection of some sort and then will get swollen genitals.  They will usually get skin lesions.  It is all extremely painful and almost always ends in death.  The treatment for it when no vaccine has been given is euthanasia.  I am sure that if you have gone to your vet and they have told you that your bunny has this that they also should have told you that there is nothing that can be done.

I would not just assume that your rabbit has myxomatosis.  Since you do live in England your vet should be very familiar with its signs and symptoms.  They can do a blood test but as far as I know the blood test can take up to 8 days for results.  Unless they have come up with a new blood test that I am not aware of 8 days is to long as the rabbit will likely be dead or near death by then.  I am sure that your vet will be able to tell if your bunny has it just by looking at him.

I am so sorry this has happened to you.  How very tragic!  I hope that if your bunny does have to be put to sleep that you can get your vet to do serologic studies of its kidney's and hopefully prove that the jerk farmer has released this horrible disease into the rabbit population.  Maybe your vet can help you report it to the proper authorities.  I don't know how your law works there but there has to be something you can do.

Again I am sorry about your rabbit.  I am sorry to have to tell you that if it is myxomatosis that it is futile to even attempt to save the bunny unless it had been vaccinated.  I will hope for the best for you and please let me know if anything changes.

If you have any further questions please let me know.  I have attached an article on it so that you can read for yourself and not just take my word for it.

If the time comes that your bunny has to be put down please let me know.  I know of a nice site that has a really nice poem that really helps with the grieving process.

