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Smelly Rabbit Poop, Why?

22 9:54:49

Strange question but my female dwarf rabbits poop smells very strongly.  She is about 10 months old and is spayed.  She had a check up about 1.5 months ago and vet said she is very healthy.  Her diet is a small amount of pellets and mostly hay with some vegetables and fruits as snacks.  She has free run of our house and is litter trained.  I'm asking because when she poops in her litter box sometimes you can smell it right across the room.  Her pellets are small, round and dry and "normal" as far as I can tell.  Our other rabbit has the same diet and his poop does not have this strong odour that our females does.  I am wondering if there could be something wrong that is causing such a strong odour?

Dear Anne,

Your bunny may have flatulence when she's doing her biz, or you may smell her cecotropes, which are the pungent, stinky pellets that she reingests.  You won't see those in the litterbox, but you sure can smell it when a bunny is enjoying a cecal snack!

Please read this for more complete information about the Mystery of Rabbit Poop.

Hope this helps.
