Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > ive had tons of rabbits but all of them die but greg why is this

ive had tons of rabbits but all of them die but greg why is this

22 9:48:57

i had a rabbit named it Gracie it died today i don't now why i feed it loved it watered it i did everything right i had this rabbit since it was born i loved it with all my hurt i am sorry i am crying while writing this and i look to see if my boy rabbit is alive it is named Greg he is the one who is always alive but all my girl rabbits die can U tell me why please because i want to prevent it from happening???


I am so sorry to hear about Gracie. It is always so sad when we lose our pets and I truly empathize with you. I would give you a big hug if I could.

My guess is that Greg is a carrier of a pathogen. Sometimes, rabbits can be carrying a disease in their system even though the disease isn't active and the bunny isn't showing any symptoms. However, other bunnies can then contract the disease with just being in contact with Greg, or if it is an air-born disease then even being in the same general vicinity.

I recommend that you take Greg in for screening to a rabbit savy vet. You can find listings on for Canada, the US and beyond.

What was the rabbit doing prior to her death? Did she have any white mucous coming from her eyes? Was she sneezing? Did she slowly stop eating? If you give me more detail then I may be able to help narrow down what it is. Has Greg ever been treated for a disease or condition when he was sick? If so, what were his symptoms and diagnosis?

Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
