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Care of rabbits coat

22 11:33:59

We have a 6 month old lop ear rabbit and in the past few weeks her coat has become very matted. I have tried to gently brush her but the mats remain.I would like to know if I should try to cut them out or should we try to find a groomer for rabbits? When we got the rabbit, her hair was long and she was very fluffy- is that a young coat that will fall out or is that an established growth pattern?
Thank you for any help

If your rabbit's fur is long now, it's going to stay that way.  What is she, an Angora, a Fuzzy Lop, a Jersey Wooly?  Those are all rabbits with long fur.

If the fur is matted, you could cut the matts out, but you have to be careful not to cut the rabbit's skin.

Alternatively, if you can find a groomer who does rabbits, that'd be great, they can get under the matts and remove them without cutting the rabbit.

Here is some info about grooming Angora rabbits, who have the longest fur -

If you feel at all scared of grooming her, though, find a groomer, because your nervousness will transmit to the rabbit and then she'll be that much harder to handle.
