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newborn bunnies

22 10:39:28

our doe had 7 babies 10 days ago. They are starting to open their eyes.  How long will they nurse and when should we start introducing other food?  Can the doe be separated from the babies, or should she stay with them constantly?  She was used to going outside for a couple hours at a time.  Thanks.

Hi Gina,

The babies will nurse for about 4 -6 weeks and begin eating solid food around 3 weeks.  I'd start by offering some soft hay.  You can separate the doe, but at this stage it may stress her too much to be separated from her babies.  All you can do is try it and watch.  If she shows signs of stress leave it until the kits are about 4 weeks old and try again (by that stage most does are GLAD to get away for a break!).
