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my rabbits got pneumonia

22 10:26:14

i bought back this rabbit where i work as the vets diagnosed it with pneumonia and it didn't look right people watching her become more ill, my boss gave her some antibiotics, but she ran out and were i work then can not afford to take her vets again so i took her home as she isn't eating any of her food or drinking, she only eats grass cabbage and dandelion leafs I'm also syringe feeding her baby milk to boost up her energy a bit, just wondering is there anything else we can do to help her? I'm trying my best to keep her, and i don't want to loose yet...

Dear Louise,

The only thing that will help her is aggressive antibiotic therapy with rabbit-safe antibiotics.  I hope you can find a vet here:

who will help, and perhaps be able to work out a payment plan.  

I hope this will help.  Please get her to a good rabbit vet. There is nothing you can do at home that will cure pneumonia.
