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Rabbit depression to loss of anothe r rabbit

22 11:14:15

I have two rabbits and one died from a dog bite,the other one is lonely and seem to be depressed although they always fight when they were the other rabbit was alive, but I can't get another rabbit as a companion because my husband does not want to, can it survive alone and be okay without another rabbit? Pls help me understand how to help my rabbit cope with the loss.

Dear Mary,

Even though your rabbits fought, they were bonded on some level.  Grief is normal, but it certainly can cause illness.  I hope your husband will realize that it is cruel to make the surviving bunny live without a partner.

First step is to have him/her spayed/neutered:

Also, it is *vital* that the bunnies live indoors. You don't say how the other rabbit got mauled by the dog, but no rabbit is safe outdoors where a predator can strike within seconds.  The surviving rabbit was probably traumatized by witnessing the terrible event, if he did see it, and this, too, could be contributing to his depression.

For tips on litterbox training:

I would NOT let this bunny live alone.  He could well languish and die from simple grief.  I have seen this happen.  If you absolutely cannot get another rabbit, then you must bring this one inside and lavish him with love and attention.  Rabbits are very intelligent and social, and to leave him to grief alone in misery would be cruel.  I know you care too much to let that happen.

The best solution, once your bunny is spayed/neutered and indoors with you, is to contact your local rabbit rescue group:

and arrange a "blind date" to let him choose a mate with whom he will not fight, but can live a happy, cuddly life.  I hope you will be able to convince your husband that since you and he are so happy together, you cannot deprive your rabbit of similar happiness.

Good luck!
