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Sudden unexplained rabbit death

22 10:44:43

Hi, I am writing in regards to my rabbit that just recently passed away.  She was only about 6 months old and she suddenly died.  I was not home at the time but my brother found her in her cage and she was dead.  He said that she seemed extremely lethargic the day that she died and he could pick her up and she wouldn't kick or move like she normally did.  She was completely fine the day before and there was nothing out of the ordinary.  I'm extremely frightened by this as I have other pets and I am wondering what could have possibly happened since she is so young.  If there are any answers you can give me that would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Dear Jessica,

I am very sorry about the death of your rabbit.  Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure why she died is via a necropsy/post mortem exam including histopathology of all major organs/tissues.  The signs you describe are typical of a very sick rabbit--but many different types of ailment, from bacterial infection to heat stroke to cardiac problems--could have caused this, just to name a few.

If this happened within the last day, then it may not be too late for a necropsy.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

That will be the only way to know.  It is not likely that whatever took your bunny's life is contagious to other pets or to you.

I hope this helps.
