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Baby bunny blindness

22 10:44:43

My friend accidently stepped on a baby bunny that was in her garden, we took him in to care for him We think he is about 2 weeks old because his eyes are open and he is fairly small. his eye had almost a white scab across it when we got him, and he seemed to stagger when he walked. Now he walks fine and after putting saline solution in his eye, the scabbing came off but his eyes seems milky and dull. We believe she stepped manly on his head. other than this he is fine. Could he be blind? and if so is there any tests we can do to tell? We don't want to spend to much money on him as we plan to release him. If he is blind is it a good idea to release him into the wild, or keep him.

Dear Emily,

A wild rabbit who is blind in one eye can probably be safely released, though he will be at a disadvantage in escaping predators.  If he is blind in both eyes, his chances for survival are very low in the wild.

To keep a wild cottontail, you do need special permits, so it might be best to contact a local wildlife rehabilitator who can help.  Note that--and I hate to say this, but I know some rehabbers like this myself--some rehabbers will simply take a disabled rabbit like this and feed it to a snake or bird of prey they're rehabbing.  So it's important to find someone who really will give this baby his best chance of survival, and possible permanent sanctuary.

If you write to me at and tell me your general geographic location, I can put you in touch with wildlife rehabbers who will care for a baby rabbit safely and properly and give him the best chance for safe release or life in sanctuary.

I hope this helps.
