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3 days of constipation

22 10:30:08

I have a male rabbit that's around 4 or 5 years old now. I did a routine cage-cleaning the past Monday (May 5). Since then, he hasn't eaten or defecated for 3 days, (today May 8). He's bloating up and his stomach feels firm, but when feeling him, he didn't seem to show any kind of aggression. There wasn't anything different that took place when I cleaned it.
His diet consists of mostly pellets, however, my dad had given him dandelion leaves (which I looked up and are okay for rabbits) to him 1 or 2 days before Monday.
After reading other questions about constipation and bloating, I realized that there's something seriously wrong.
However, my family and I don't have the time and money to take him to the vet. I thought about consulting to euthenasia, but my mom is against it.
He has only been constipated once before, but it hasn't lasted as long as this time.
Is there any home remedy that can be used to treat him?


I am sorry to hear your guy isn't well.

You need to get him to a vet.  They have medicines that will get his gut moving again.  You guys can't give him anything that will do this.  Not having a gi tract working right for three days is extremely dangerous, and he will die.  He is already very weak from three days of not eating.  He is going through gi stasis.

You have to impress upon your parents that this is a condition that will kill him.  Dogs and cats can go through days of not eating and they can be fine, their gi tracts are like ours.  Rabbits are more like little cows and when theirs shuts down, and is not working for more than a day, it is extremely serious.

Your diet for him is poor as well.  He needs to eat hay.  tehy are designed to eat hay.  Hay is what pushes hair and other things through the gut.  Pellets do not.  Plus rabbits will get fat on pellets.  

You have to get him to a good rabbit vet, or emergency vet.  You can try stomach massage, but I do not believe that it will help a rabbit this far along.  You guys (all of you) have a responsibility to give your pets proper medical care.  It's part of owning a pet.  If you can't do that, you should not own animals.  They are 100% dependent on you for necessary care they need.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet (not all are) start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommmended vet.  With your rabbit in the shape he is in, and the fact you guys have waited three days before even asking anyone a question, you don't have any time to waste on a vet who isn't experienced with rabbits.  
