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Angora bunny grooming

22 11:15:13

I have a 1 yr old angora bunny who was shaved quite close to the skin when I adopted him from the ASPCA.  I have now had him about 3 months and his coat had grown in beautifully.  Then the wool came :(  I brush him almost everyday, but the matting is out of control.  They told me he was clipped very close due to the matting from the poor conditions he was in when rescued, but he will not let me brush him anymore without biting me. I am afraid the matts will start to hurt him.  I cut off as much as I could while he was in his cage...  hes not exactly an attractive bunny right now..but most of the matts are gone except around his face and neck.  Any tips you can give me for this problem I would appreciate.  I would like him to enjoy the whole grooming fiasco if possible.  It would be easier on both of us.  I didn't have any problems with biting until the wool decided to come in and matt up :(  thats when the biting started.  If electric clippers are needed can you recommend any?

I would recommend either going back to he ASPCA to see if they can clip him again (and then start brushing him as soon as the fur starts coming in again, before it gets matting) or else contacting an angora breeder in your area to do the same. lists shows and dates, so if you contact the show secretary that they list, you can get directions to the show and talk to breeders there.

Or, if you let me know where you live, I work very closely with the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Association officers (as I do their website for them and I am a member as well), I can direct you toward some breeders in your area. I'd direct you to the website itself to contact the secretary of the club, but right now the site is going through some changes, so not all of the info is up.