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My rabbit just gave birth and may have an ear infection. HELP

22 9:50:12

Hello. My name is Jessica and my sister and I are new owners of our own rabbit breeding business. We have three rabbits that are housed in outdoor hutches (they are completely wire, with resting boards and cardboard boxes, and they have large houses that are accessible at all times). Each rabbit is separated into a different section and have no contact, but can rear up and see/nuzzle each other through the wire mesh.

The rabbit that I am worried about is one of our does that just gave birth this morning at 10:00. She is around 2 years old. She is not spayed (hence she had babies). She is a mixed breed and part Flemish giant.

Her symptoms include:
Ears that droop slightly to the sides
Shaking of head
Watery noise hear during shaking of head
Scratching of ears
Skittish and scared
Heat emanating from the base of ears

I checked her ears and they don't have build up or any other indicator of ear mites. Her head has no tilt whatsoever and when she runs around she is not dizzy.

The rabbit is eating Manna Pro premium pellet feed. We also have straw in the house that she nibbles. We tend to feed her dandelion greens and grass. But these green treats are only give to her in small handfuls several times a week. She is feed her pellets in no specific quantity. I monitor her weight and she has never had problems with overeating so I keep her food dish full at all times. She also has constant water supply.

The symptoms were first noted when we checked in on her at noon. The last time we saw her was 10:00 that morning but it was breif and we did not notice anything wrong, but we didnt get a good look at her because she was in her house giving birth still. The night before she was perfectly fine.

I really hope that you can help me because I dont think that taking her to the vet is an option for me.

Hi Jessica:

I apologize for not answering sooner.  I had a family emergency (my daughter was hospitalized) and was away from home for several days.

Before I give you my opinion of this condition, can you please clarify one line:

You said "Watery noise hear during shaking of head"

what does that mean?

I'll help as soon as I hear back from you.

Lisa L.