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Rabbit feces

22 10:40:58

About 25 years ago my husband lost his dog due to a parasite in rabbit feces (accoriding to the vet). His dog would injest the feces and experience vomiting on a regular basis.  Because it has been so long he does not have the records any more so I cannot refer to them for help.  Do you know of such a parasite in rabbit feces which is toxic to animals, dogs specifically?  I currently work with someone who's dog does injest rabbit feces regularily and is vomiting for no particular reason and the vet cannot figure out why.  Any infor would help.  
Thank you.  

Dear Sheri,

I know of no parasites contained in rabbit feces that could even infect a dog (with the possible exception of pinworms, but they are relatively harmless), let alone cause a toxic reaction in a dog.

I'd suggest that the vet run a fecal exam on the dog to be sure there are no parasites that the dog may have contracted from another source (dogs will eat anything!), if this hasn't already been done.  

There *are* parasites that a carnivore can get from actually eating the flesh of an infected rabbit (e.g., certain species of tapeworms and some roundworms) who is serving as an intermediate host.  But nothing I'm aware of in feces.

Hope that helps.
