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My Rabbit doesnt drink water

22 9:37:52

Hello, I have a one year old female rabbit her name is Lua, a week ago she started to behave really weird, she normally runs around and jumps in my bed to be with me, but she stopped and she was really serious and running from me so I gave her space I thought maybe it was hormones but then she started to stay only in the patio where I have her stuff (even though I have an specific area where she stays she's free unless there's no one home) and then I noticed that she stopeed drinking water and she's eating more but her attitude is not the same she doesnt look like a happy bunny and I'm really scared and worried about her is this normal? I'm more than willing to take her to an expert if necessary she's my life

Hi Lorien,

I would take her to the vet.  Any time a rabbit has a change in behavior it is usually indicative that there is something wrong.  If she is not drinking any water she wouldn't be eating.  They wont eat if they don't have access to water.  I would make sure to take her to an exotic specialist so that you can get a full blood work up.  

I really don't know why she would be acting this why but it is very concerning if you are noticing a change in behavior.

I hope everything works out for you.
