Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Seed Pods in Hay

Seed Pods in Hay

22 10:01:38

I purchased some hay from a farm that I've been purchasing my rabbits' hay from for the past few years. This time I noticed that there are some sort of dry seed pods mixed in with the hay. Would these be able to hurt my rabbit?

Hi Rebekah,

I am sorry it took so long to answer.  Most farmers around here can look at the hay and tell you exactly what the seed pods are.  I personally would not use it if I didn't know what it was.  You are really going to have to use your judgement on how well you know the farmer and how knowledgeable they are.  I really don't know a whole lot about hay.  I would suggest trying to get second cut hay from the same year.  It tends to have less weeds and the rabbits seem to like it much better.  If you are using it for extra bedding you can use straw.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help
