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Rabbits-Do they have worms?

22 10:20:41

I'm only 12 but i sometimes get worried about my rabbit, she is a dwarf, not 1 yet and her name is Truffle. We recently made her an outside run and she loves it, its attached to her hutch so that she can be inside or out and get fresh air, the run is on pavement and sometimes i see some little ' worm looking ' things around where her poop is, I'm not an expert on this, but i sometimes wonder if this is a serious problem, i don't know if it is proper worms but i don't particularly know what worms for rabbits look like. Do you think you could help me out on what this actually is?  Becky.

Hello, Becky

It seems most likely your rabbit has worms, many rabbits do have worms and it is not life-threatening unless there are many of them. The most common kind of worm found in rabbits are pinworms. Pinworms are small and white worms, about half the size of a grain of rice. Most likely this is what your rabbit has, since these worms can sometimes be seen if you check your rabbit's vent area or his poo. Take your rabbit to the vet and also take some of his poo for examination to make sure. This type of worm cannot be spread to humans. There is debate about the cause of pinworms. Many vets assume that rabbits get pinworms from contaminated water.if you do not give trhem clean warter daily. However, even rabbits that get clean water and fresh food all the time can sometimes get pinworms for no obvious reason.
Signs & Symptoms of Worms & Parasites in Pet Rabbits:
Signs of worms in pet rabbits include unthriftiness, dull fur,
diarrhea, cysts, and mucous or blood in the droppings. If you
suspect worms in a pet rabbit, take the rabbit and a small
sample of it's droppings to the veterinarian.
Treatment for Worms & Parasites in Pet Rabbits
Only a veterinarian can determine what type of worm the
rabbit has and the treatment for it.

From nihaam...
So I relly hope this helped you! andd you come right!