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bunny favoring front foot

22 9:57:29

i just noticed my 4 year old bunny is favoring (not really limping) on her front left foot. She had her claws clipped a few weeks ago and i didn't notice any problem till today. I rolled her over on my lap and inspected her like normal. no sign of swelling or flinching when I ran my fingers over her legs to compare them. I slowly moved each toe and felt in between to see signs of anything wrong, and nothing.the only thing i could find was the small pad on the bottom of her foot did not look like the other side. the right side looks like a callous, and the left seems to be pink like the callous was missing. all the hair on both feet are fine so i don't think she was chewing on it. should i try rubbing a natural remedy on it for soothing purpose or take her to the vet. it is not bad and no visible signs wrong, both feet are the same i could move them without her seeming stressed. it just looks like it might be a little tender on that pad.

Dear Karen,

I apologize for the delay.  Unexpectedly, a middle school ecology outreach program I was running went crazy at the end, and I'm just now getting my life back.  So sorry!  But I'm back now.

If she is putting weight on the foot, then it's not broken.  But she might have sprained or strained something in that limb while running or jumping.  If she is still favoring the leg, then I would get her to a good rabbit vet:

who can have a good look and see if there is a foreign body or other problem making her limp.  If it's just a soft tissue injury, then the vet may be able to prescribe pain medication (e.g., metacam) to help her feel better until it heals.

I hope this helps.
