Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > How do you keep them cool & comfy?

How do you keep them cool & comfy?

22 11:08:08

Thanks for the follow-up answer.

Over 80% of intact pet does eventually develop cancer. How does cancer affect your production?  Are meat rabbits in the food supply much younger than an age when cancer start showing up?
The text above is a follow-up to ...

Rabbits don't do well in the heat.  How hot and humid does it get for your rabbits?  Are they Mexican natives?  Is it a hobby for you or do you also make money?  Rabbits are not that popular here probably because chicken is so much cheaper.  Hope I'm not being too nosy.
Here it is hot and dry most of the year.  To keep them cool and comfy the rabbitry is well shaded with trees all around and climbing vines - the ceilings (? ) roofs - of the open sheds are covered with a reflective white material and they have very good ventilation.  When push comes to shove - over 90 degrees - I keep 1.5 liter bottles of water frozen and put one in the cage of any bunny I see suffering - which are mainly the almost due does or the ones that have small kits.  I keep the males in the coolest part to avoid sterility - up to now have not had that problem - but just in case I replenish bucks in Sept. so they will be fresh in April, May - when it is hottest.


Tom, I just reread your question and realized I did not finish answering it.

My rabbits started out as a hobby - healthy meat for my family - but grew and grew as my interest in genetics grew also.  I am the only person in all Mexico who dedicates the rabbitry exclusively to breeding stock - I am developing the best possible meat rabbit - resistant to heat, small bones, lots of meat, large litters, early weight ( 2 kilos at 50 to 55 days )and resistant to illness.  Do I make money ........................... being honest I would have to say no - but that is because I treat them as family members - not stock.  I keep 9 bucks, when three would be more than enough.  When I have a good sale of breeding stock I renovate cages, etc. etc.  I have clients that sell meat and they are making money.  Chicken may be cheaper but rabbit is by far healthier.  The buns that do not meet my standards for breeding stock go for meat and most of my clients are doctors and nutritionists, who know the value of rabbit meat.


Up to now nobody has had cancer ( fingers crossed ).  The older does that have died have done so from calcified urethra - hence the adding of the apple cider vinegar to their water as I recommend - since that addition no one has had that problem again.  Meat rabbits are processed when they get to 2.2 kilos - still very young at around 50 / 55 days old.  I have had a line of rabbits that had the genetic footprint for  abscess - they are long gone ! Cultured it was staph but my aim is to develop a very good line of resistant buns.  Do not keep any non-perfect animal for breeding.  If you would like to see my rabbrity go to tripod dot com look under conejosmexico.
