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pregnant rabbit mated again

22 10:58:22

hi, i have a giant rabbit who i am hoping is 3 weeks pregnant today (8/4/07).she has already started building and lining a nest for herself(she is a 1st time mum to be)but i let her out today without realising our buck was out too, i turned round to see them at it again, would she be letting him if she was already expecting and im terrified now as i have read  horror stories about rabbits being mated twice and the hormone imbalance causing deformities to kits causing them to be born dead, and problems for the doe. Any info you could give me would be most gratefully received (as long as its good news!!!) Thankyou    Lisa

Some gals have no shame !  LOL !  Maybe - some does are ready to have a go anytime.  MOST does will refuse a buck when PG - but there are always exceptions.  By 3 weeks the kits are completely formed - in the last week they gain weight.  The main danger is that she might get PG in the other horn ( rabbits have a two horn uterus ) and then have another litter three weeks after the birth of the first litter.  This does cause problems.  

Do not worry - there is nothing you can do about it now anyway.  If she was not bred the first time you will know by day 34 - then just wait for the next litter.  If she has a nice litter from the first mating pray a little that the second did not take.

Chin up Lisa !