Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabit is having hiccups

My rabit is having hiccups

22 11:26:52

My pet rabbit (about 15 weeks old) is having hiccups these 2 -3 days.  She is eating (pellets and hay) and drinking water normally.  Her poop is also normal. I want to know if there is anything I can do to help her from having the hiccups.  It has been more frequently since yesterday, and she gets about 5-8 hiccups each time, few minutes each time.  The sound of her having the hiccups sounds like quiet sneezing.

Thanks a lot!

If they don't seem to be distressing her, and she acts normal right after, I wouldn't worry about it.  However, if she does seem upset by it, you might want to run her by a rabbit knowledgeable vet to see what it could be.  You can find a list at
