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Snorting to clear his nose

22 10:44:49

Our houserabbit has started blowing down his nose with some energy, several times in a row, several times a day.
Other than that he is completely well.
I imagine there is something that may be up one side, but if it is not causing a problem, can it be left to hopefully disintegrate in its own time?
I guess a vet might want to anaesthetise him to x-ray/scope his nasal passages, which is a bit risky for the rabbit.

Dear Dinah,

If your bunny is sneezing/snorting this often, he does need to be seen by a vet.  Whatever is up his nose (and it might be an upper respiratory infection, not a foreign object) is causing him a lot of discomfort, and I would not wait for it to be blown out on its own if it's been several days already.

Anesthesia is never 100% risk free, but the gas anesthetics used today by experienced rabbit vets make the procedures really very safe.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

It's possible that anesthesia won't be necessary if the vet can determine the problem without it.  But it sounds as if your bunny needs veterinary help, and the sooner he gets it, the better you'll all feel.  :)

I hope this helps.
