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White spot on the skin

22 9:53:48

My 8 year old bun has a tiny white spot on his skin around his chin area. It looks like a white-head 'squeezy' spot, that humans get. I first noticed it about 4 weeks ago, and may have grown ever so slightly. I'm wondering if it's a cyst but can't find any info on the web about what this may look like. It doesn't seem to bother him at all.
Many thanks.  

Dear A Lewis,

I would have this checked by a vet, mainly because of its location.  Rabbits can develop jaw abscesses associated with the tooth roots, and this could be a sign that an incisor root is infected and in need of treatment with antibiotics.  

If it is just a small abscess, the vet can treat this, as well.  But you will need a vet who is experienced with rabbits:

Please also see:


for additional information.

Hope he will be fine.
