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Spaying my 3 year old Dutch

22 10:37:41


Is my 3 year old female to old to be spayed? She appears to be in great health but I have noticed she is urinating a lot lately, is this something to be concerned with?

Dear Jason,

Excessive drinking and excessive urination can be a sign of kidney problems.  An experienced rabbit vet can take a blood sample and send it to a lab to check the kidney and other chemistry values.  A urine sample paired with this, to check the urine specific gravity, will tell the vet whether your bunny is concentrating her urine normally.

If there is a uterine tumor pressing on her bladder, this could also cause constant urination and spotting.  She's not too old to be spayed, and the older she gets, the higher her risk of uterine cancer.

No surgery is 100% risk free, but unspayed, unbred females have such a high risk of uterine cancer that we *always* have our girls spayed as soon as they are old enough.  You can read more here:

and find a good vet here:

Hope this helps.
