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Runny eye and swollen cheek

22 10:26:35

About 2 weeks ago my bunny's fur was starting to become wet and matted down underneath her eye(in her cheekbone area). It wasn't pus but just wet. Then I noticed a large hard growth underneath her skin and it it getting bigger to the poing that her fur no longer covers it and the area is a bit pink. I don't know if I should take her to the vet or if this is something that rabbits get. Please help my with some advice. Thank you...

Dear Steph,

From your description, it sounds as if your bunny is developing a molar root abscess that is pinching off her tear duct and causing the runny eye.  The abscess is far more serious than the runny eye, and it definitely requires swift veterinary attention.  Please read:


and then find a good, experienced *rabbit* vet here:

who can examine and prescribe treatment for your bunny.  This will not go away on its own, and will get worse unless treatment is started promptly.  A jaw abscess is a serious condition, so please have this checked ASAP by a good rabbit vet.

I hope this helps.
