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Bunny Thinks Shes Sir Edmund Hillary

22 10:58:53

Hi, I am the happy owner of young bunny (approximately 8 weeks old Lionhead dwarf female).  We love our little bun, but I am concerned about something.  She is still quite tiny--maybe 5 inches long when sitting--but she started climbing our furniture tonight and perching on the couch back to look out the window.  I am worried, based on watching her seemingless fear of anything (including the 17-lb. cat)that she is going to try jumping off the back of the couch and break those little legs.  Tonight, for the first time, she has spent the better part of 2 hours trying to break out of her roomy cage.  I know she wants to be with us, but we also want to follow good house training procedures and make certain her "terrain" is gradually increased under our supervision.  It appears to me that she may be trying to jump up to our window sill (the alluring scent of cut grass was coming through the window tonight) or she may be looking for our cat (who, because the bunny has only been with us 5 days, has not decided whether or not she is lunch or friend). Any tips on whether my concerns are unfounded, whether it is okay to let your bunny be on the furniture (and if not, how do you train them to stay off?)and what can I do to help the bunny settle down and go to bed at night instead of try to open the cage?  She had a good, long playtime today and was out of her cage supervised for several hours before bedtime.  

Hi Tess,
you are doing all the right things with your new's ok for them to be on the couch,if they can get up,they can get down too.
 Eventually she will learn that nightime in the cage is the rules and will accept time....
 I don't know of any training tricks to keep them off the couch..sorry..
 Good luck and enjoy the new family member!