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Mini Lop with a very wet nose

22 10:58:17

My baby bunny is 6-8 weeks and she has a wet nose and sneezes every now and again! I bought some Sulmet 12.5% Drinking Water Solution today -- but I do not know how many CC's per gallon of water to give her. Also, I got Chlortetracycline soluble powder Antibiotic -- same scenerio. I don't know how many CC's or tsp. per gallon of water. Please Help!

Hi Becky,

I do not advise the typical pet owner being their own doctor and buying antibiotics and trying on their own what works and what doesn't.  You have no idea what she has, and you also have no idea what antibiotic would be effective (if it is a bacteria) against that particular strain.  You may even give her a medicine that is dangerous to rabbits, as not all antibiotics are safe for them.

If you are the only person within 50 miles that can take care of your rabbit's medical care, that is one thing.  If you live in the US, you should have a good rabbit vet and get her examined and the bacteria/whatever identified, and have the vet determine the most effective antibiotic for what she is suffering from.  My armchair two cents is that it is snuffles/pasteurella as this is the most typical nasal discharge problem they get.  However there are different strains and strengths of pasteurella and some respond better to different or stronger meds than others.

At the vet, if you want to learn about the antibiotics you purchased for future uses, ask the vet at that time to help you.  You will have the best chance to get the best info about them from a vet than anyone here on the board, as we are not vets.

Good luck, I will keep you and your little guy in my prayers.
