Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 10 year old Rabbit has Testicle Tumor

10 year old Rabbit has Testicle Tumor

22 10:43:12

The Vet I went to says it should be removed by neuter surgery and that his age could complicate anestia and I am worried about losing him,so have any previous instances like this to help me.

Dear Rob,

I know this is a wrenching decision.  But if it's any comfort, our vets have neutered males as old as 10 years, and even older, without complications.  

No surgery is 100% risk free, and an older rabbit is not as good a candidate for surgery as a younger rabbit, in most cases.  But if he is generally healthy and if you ask for bloodwork in advance to detect any potential problems, it probably would be best to have the tumor/testicles removed.  The anesthesia is a risk. But testicular cancer *will* spread and cause his death.  

Be sure the vet you're seeing is very experienced with rabbit surgery and anesthesia.  If s/he sees mostly dogs and cats, you'd be helping your pal to find a vet who specializes in exotics and does a lot of rabbit surgeries.  You can find one here:

I hope this helps.  It's a difficult decision, but with a good vet the risk can be minimized, and your cancer-free bunny could be with you well into his teens.

I will send lots of "safe surgery" vibes!
