Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny nibbles

Bunny nibbles

22 10:47:28

What is my bunny doing when she licks my hands and feet? Is she grooming me or is she tasting me(salt from my skin)?

Hi Lauren

That is so cute.  She is grooming you.  You are lucky to have a rabbit that is grooming you.  She see's you as the dominant bunny and respects you.  It takes a lot to earn the position of the dominant bunny.  You must be a very special bunny to her.  She might also want you to groom her back.  If she slumps really low with her head down towards the floor this is an invitation for you to groom her.  You don't have to lick her but a nice pet between the ears usually works nice.

Good luck and ((hugs)) to the bunny
