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rabbits urine

22 11:25:36

we have noticed blood in our rabbits urine

Dear Monica,

If it is truly blood (which usually appears as blotches in the urine, but not always), then she needs to be spayed immediately.  Blood in the urine in an unspayed female is almost always indicative of uterine hyperplasia (pre-cancer) or cancer itself.  Fortunately, spaying usually solves the problem completely, as this type of cancer does not seem to metastasize quickly in rabbits.  You can find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Other causes of blood in the urine include bladder stones, or severe urinary tract infection, any of which should be diagnosed and treated by a good rabbit vet.

Rabbit urine sometimes oxidizes to dark yellow, orange, red, or brown, depending on what the rabbit has been eating, and his/her state of hydration.  But if in doubt, get bunny to the vet ASAP for a full exam.  For more information on urinary tract problems in rabbits and their treatment, please see:

I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
