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Aggressive Behaviour

22 11:26:25

Hi Dave, My question is in regards to a bit of aggressive behaviour from our black Rex, "Sable". He is VERY cuddly and playful, loves to be handled and played with, BUT, when we get up to leave "his" room, he charges at our feet. He hasn't bitten yet, but it really is nerve wracking for my 10 and 12 year old kids. He does not like to be ignored either. If we are not paying enough attention to him, he nibbles at our clothes and nudges our hands and arms until we start petting him. His nibbles are very light, and so not a problem, yet. But I'm concerned this "charging" will become more aggressive if we ignore it. In the beginning it was funny and cute, but it's starting to get worrisome. He is also very aggressive towards our female Lab who desperately wants to be his friend. He will not tolerate her entering "his" room. He is very territorial! Any suggestions to curb this behaviour? We got him from the Humane Society, they did not know his age, he was found on the street and never claimed. Other than this little problem, he is the PERFECT bunny and we love him to bits!

hi karen-he needs to be put in his place, at present he thinks he rules the roost and every one else is below him.
leave him alone for a bit, just feed him and water him tend to ignore him for a few days and he should start to realise he is not the dominate one. it may take up to 2 weeks but it will be worth it.