Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is loosing hair

my rabbit is loosing hair

22 10:17:22

my mini rex is loosing hair badley.she seemed to be fine until we got rid of her last baby.she seemed to start loosing the hair when her last baby was given away last week.we have moved the guinea pig in with her for companoinship.but she is still loosing hair.

Dear Tammy,

Shedding is normal this time of year, but please read this for instructions, just in case:

She may be missing her babies that you "got rid" of.  She doesn't see it that way.  It might have been a good idea to keep one as a companion for her, since rabbits really thrive on the companionship of their own species.  Please see:


and consider allowing her to pick a neutered bunny pal, if she doesn't already have one.
