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Whats wrong with my Bunnie!?

22 10:43:10

My bunnie piggy recently suffered from an ear infection, he has daily oral antibiotics for it, and is improving, eating and drinking well. Piggy enjoys a run around in the lounge but still suffers from the he head tilt, however this is not what I am concerned about at the moment. Two days ago i ran out of his antibiotics, its the weekend and i haven't been able to get more but will tomorrow however he has developed a funny snuffley nose. Its not his usual grunt, its more of a squeaky snuffly noise. I am very concerned! I noticed it when he was cleaning himself, then when i picked him up, he usually licks my neck, he did lick my neck but was making that little noise. Is this bunnie snuffles? His nose doesn't appear to be runny and he is eating and drinking lots. But i am worried he may be having difficulty breathing. I would take him to the vet but don't know of any 24 hr ones and its 11.30 at night! (i live in new Zealand) I will be taking him tomorrow but please can you give me any help also?
Thanks Jenni

Dear Jenni,

Please read:

for full information on upper respiratory infection in rabbits, which is what it sounds as if your bunny has.  If his nose is very clogged up and he cannot breathe through it, ask the vet about using a drop of pediatric Benadryl to open his nostrils.  Since rabbits are obligate nasal breathers, this will make him a lot more comfortable.

Failing that, you can use a pediatric ear bulb to gently suction any snot out of his nose and make it easier for him to breathe.  Here in the U.S., these are readily available at most pharmacies/drug stores.  You can see what one looks like here:

so you'll know what to ask the folks at the store.

It's possible that the antibiotics you were using are not fully effective against the strain of bacteria he has, if the infection roared back so quickly once the meds were stopped.  Please also read:

and ask the vet about having this test done, to be sure you're using the most appropriate antibiotic possible for the infection you're treating.

I hope this helps!
