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two together & housing

22 11:33:12

I have a 20 by 20 chain link dog kennel that I want to house one or two rabbits in, whichever would be better.  I have a small, warmly built house for it to use for shelter.  I would like to know if this is appropriate housing.  Also what I should use for bedding in the house.  What is the best hay to get and what other foods are best.  Also, if I get two, is it best to have two doe or two buck.  I definitely do not want babies, as I would become overrun.  Whatever comes to my household stays till death do us part !  I also want large rabbits as I do not think it appropriate for mini's.  My intentions are to get meat rabbits or something I feel I would be saving.
I hope you can assist me.  I thank you in advance.

A dog kennel is not suitable for a rabbit, they need a hutch which is at least 6ft x 3ft for 2 medium sized rabbits as wrll as a covered run, good quality straw is best to use as bedding, and a hay based pellet food with occassional fresh food, most things excet iceburg lettuce. The best combvination is a doe and a buck but you'll need to get them BOTH neutered at 5 months.