Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my doe had a litter about 8 weeks ago and she is now bite and growling at my mom and i!

my doe had a litter about 8 weeks ago and she is now bite and growling at my mom and i!

22 11:15:12

her last litter is about 8 weeks of age and it was her second litter. the first litter didn't make it past a day old they ate them. but she is in a cage with 5 other rabbits and all my other cages are ful right now with young cickens. so should i let the chicken out and put her in one of the cage so that she can have her babies in peace. because they are geting big and the cage is getting to small i might justlet the other bunnies run with the chickens in the chicken house were all the bunnies are kept. but is in normal that she has been pulling fur for about 2 weeks now? and when i feed them she growls at me?
she bites really hard and if oe of the other rabbits gets out of the cage and you put them back in to the cage she will bit them and she will make them bleed. she has been really mean to my mom and her baby bunnies she won't bite me but she will lunge and growl at me every time i get near the cage. i clean the cage a lot and when she is pulling fur my mom said that i should clean it more but should i clean it out and take her out of it and the fur that she has pulled?   please help me. thanks a bunch,
                  elissa n.

Well, if she was in with a male, it is very not unlikely that she could be pregnant. Rabbits can also have false pregnancies. This is where they think they are pregnant, but they are not. How long has she been in with the other rabbits? Growling and being aggressive can be signs of either pregnancy or a false pregnancy. If it has been about 3 weeks since she was first put in with the other rabbits, plan on her having another litter. If it has been 2 weeks or less, she is probably having a false pregnancy, but don't count out a real one just yet. Either way, at 26 days after she was first put in with the other rabbits, she should be alone with a nestbox set up, in case she is pregnant.

I don't mean to sound rude by any means, but you really need more cages or find new homes for some of your rabbits. Two unspayed/unneutered rabbits should rarely be kept together (only in special situations), and never should 5 unspayed/unneutered rabbits be kept together.

You should not let the rabbits run with the chickens. The rabbits can pick up parasites from the chickens that don't affect the chickens much, but that can affect the rabbits. Also, with more and more diseases crossing the species barrier, it is possible that a disease can pass from the chickens to the rabbits or from the rabbits to the chickens. Also, chickens are omnivores. They will eat anything. All it takes it a small wound (possibly caused by the chicken pecking at an area on the rabbit that looked like something edible) for the chickens to start pecking another animal to death. They will even soemtimes do it amongst themselves, but they are even more likely to do it with another species. Of course, rabbits also dig. They could easily dig a hole right out of the pen and escape.