Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > urinary discharge from rabbit

urinary discharge from rabbit

22 10:20:59

For a few weeks our male mini-lop has had a very white (looks like white paint) discharge (about a 1" spot)on top of some (not all) of his urine spots in his litter box.  It has no odor.  Otherwise he seems fine; no change in behavior, eating, drinking, elimination, friskiness, etc.   He is shedding quite a bit.  
Should I take him to the vet?

Dear Barbara,

I got your question from the Rabbit Question Pool, where another expert had placed it.  So sorry for the delay in answering, but I had no control over that.  :)  Hope this will help, anyway.

Rabbits excrete excess calcium salts via the kidneys, so what you may be seeing is a bit of calcium residue.  This is normal, and as long as the material is dilute and not pasty, it should present no problems.

For an overview of possible urinary tract problems, should you think he has one, please see:

Hope this helps.
