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Rabbit Fleas

22 11:15:22

My rabbit I found out has fleas, and I've only had him 5 days so far. I've had rabbits before but none had fleas and I need some help with the treatment.
I have UltraCare Flea & Tick spray for small animals, and I need some advice/pointers. Do you need to spray everywhere the rabbits been? And when using the spray do you need to wear gloves, or an apron. Also, if you have plush toys with fur, must you spray them aswell? My rabbit has been in my loft which is fully furnished. It has a sofa and a lot of stuffed toys. My rabbit has been up there running around, and I just found out he has fleas. Do I spray everything in the loft? And when I spray my room which contains the rabbit cage and my bed (Im in my room a lot) must we leave? And do you spray the rabbit, or just the room? Please reply soon before the other rabbit and pets get fleas!

I answered some of the questions in my last reply. You do not need to wear anything special. Just keep the spray or powder out of the rabbit's eyes, nose, and mouth. The plush toys can be washed if they are washable. If not, you can spray them lightly so as not to ruin the toy. The fleas mostly will stay in things like carpet. If the couch is not leather, though, it is not a bad idea to spray it or use a powder and then vacuum it up. I would recommend treating the other pets, too, though. It only takes a few hours for fleas to move from one pet to another.