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did I make the right decision to euthanize?

22 10:30:27


I am in the process of getting my rehab license and have rescued about a dozen baby rabbits on my own over the last several years (we live on a large wooded lot and most of these rabbits have been injured by neighborhood pets, including ours) Out of the dozen, I've only had one die.

I actually have two adult wild cottontails that still live in captivity at the house (for more than three years). They both had leg injuries and both are actually quite well adjusted, pretty calm and litter trained, too.

I am writing because I took in a baby rabbit last night with a spurting neck wound from a cat bite. She was about four weeks old, at least.. with fully opened eyes and ears fully popped up. I stopped the bleeding and kept her in a small nest-like cage, but by 10 a.m. this morning she had made no motions to move or eat, and though she would respond slightly to touch, she would only lie on her side and was breathing rather slow. Usually, all my my rabbits that I have saved have been more lively and at least would eat some clover, greens, or if they were younger...formula. She wouldn't take any water or Pedialyte at all.

I tried to take her to the vets to get some antibiotics for the bite, but state laws said they couldn't treat her and no area nature centers would take in an injured animal. Basically, the vet (a rabbit vet) told me that the baby was in a state of shock and doubted that she would survive, if she wasn't moving already.

I made the decision to have her euthanized, but I am struggling now with it. Her eyes were open and she was still decently warm, but she was not moving around at all in the more than 12 hours I had her. Did I give up too soon? I guess I just want to know if you think I made the right decision?

Dear Stephanie,

You are a saving angel, and it's terrible that you should doubt yourself in a difficult situation like this.  

Given the circumstances, I think you could have made no other decision than the one you did.  If the baby could not move or swallow, then she would have died a slow death of starvation, rather than a peaceful one with sedatives and going to sleep.

I have to wonder if the neck wound was more extensive than just a bleeder, and that perhaps she had a spinal injury that paralyzed her. An animal can have open eyes and even reflexes, but not be aware of his/her surroundings (think:  Terry Schiavo). If that's the case, then there could be no other humane option than what you chose.

Please don't second guess yourself.  What you do is hard enough without that.  We can't know the future.  But given what you saw of this baby, she didn't have much of a chance.  I think you did the right thing.  

Just think of all the little souls you've saved, and don't feel bad because one came to you who was very probably beyond help.  Sometimes it s*cks not to be a god.

Take care,
