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rabbits private place

22 10:03:18


? what is it?
Hi Dana,
so a few months ago i discovered a poo-looking thing in my rabbits private spot. First, there was only one, then after another month or so another one appeared and then after a few months another one appeared on the other side of his private place. Its not in it it's near the white skin next to it.e
Here is a picture of it
But there seems to be nothing wrong with Perry (my rabbit) he eats, sleeps, poops fine and does everything normally, even thought i touch the poo or whatever it is he doesn't flinch or anything. So i am wondering what it is. When i touch it, it's really hard it feels like i could just get tweezers and grab them out but I'm scared.

Dear Susie,

What you are seeing are the waxy deposits of musk and oil secreted by the bunny's scent glands.  These are located in little, fleshy pockets on either side of the fluffy prepuce (location of the anus and genitals), and are invisible unless you part the fur and skin.

The waxy deposits are not harmful, but if you want to remove them, you can do so by gently lubricating them with a bit of vegetable oil or mineral oil, letting it soften for a minute, and then carefully swabbing out the goo with a clean cotton-tipped swab or cotton ball.  Be sure the pocket has a bit of lubricant left for the bunny's comfort.

Hope that helps.
