Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > New born rabbits

New born rabbits

22 10:17:21

Hello Dr., we have a bunch of rabbits in our neighborhood and they like to have babies in our backyard. Problem is we have 3 dogs and occassionaly if I don't get to them in time, 1 of the dogs will moll the babies w/ it's paws.  I have now 3 baby rabbits I have moved using an object and not my hands.  I am worried that the new place I put them that the mother will abandon them or not feed them, because she does not know where they are now.  I could not leave them in the backyard because 1 of the 3 dogs would surely have killed them.  What do I do?  Can I try to feed them something?   Please help. Thank you.

Dear Kerby,

If you moved the babies very far from the nest, the mother will not find them.  Please read this immediately for emergency instructions:

but for now, put the nest back together and keep the dog out of the yard until the babies leave the nest (in a week or two). Then you can bunny-proof the yard so the rabbits can't come in and leave their babies where your dogs can get to them anymore.

I hope this helps.
