Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > OK to Use Pine Litter?

OK to Use Pine Litter?

22 9:57:42

Hello Dana,

I have read that pine litter has oils that are toxic for rabbits to inhale. I saw in one of your responses that you use Feline Pine. Have I been misinformed? or are the oils removed from FP? I use FP for my cat would like to use it for my bunny, too. I have only hesitated b /c of what I've read.

Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. It's very kind and helps a lot of people and bunnies.


Dear Shannon,

Wood shavings have high surface area for evaporation of volatile oils that can be irritating to little lungs.  But pelleted sawdust products are extruded at high temperature which removes most of these oils.  I notice very little odor.  And any such products used in a well-ventilated home would pose very little danger, if any.  We've used them for more than 15 years with excellent results.

Hope this helps!
