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rabbit third eye lid showing all the time

22 10:30:37

As a rabbit ages does the third eyelid show all the time?
What can you tell me about the third eyelid and its appearance when it is visible?


the third eyelid is a nictitating membrane, used to protect the eye and keep it moist.  Often it blinks so rapidly you don't see it.

I would recommend taking your rabbit in to  your good, regular rabbit vet for an exam and specifically to check the eyelid.  There may be something pushing it to make it visible, you need to have a vet check it out to make sure there is no infection or sinus issue, or something else that is causing it.  If there is a problem you need to get it diagnosed and treated, you don't want him to lose the eye (or worse) if it's preventable.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet (not all vets are) go to:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.
